Identifikasi Faktor Pemilihan Area Indoor dan Outdoor di Concept Café Berdasarkan Kenyamanan Aktivitas Pengunjung

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Putu Nadya Iswaridewi
Onna Anieqo Tanadda
Susy Budi Astuti


The hustle culture phenomenon has led individuals or groups to utilize their leisure time for constant productivity from anywhere, causing cafes, originally just coffee shops, to become popular workspaces for Work From Anywhere (WFA). This trend requires cafes to adapt and transform their physical environment factors to enhance user comfort and compete with the rapidly growing food and beverage industry. This research aims to investigate the factors influencing visitor comfort while engaging in activities in concept cafes, both indoors and outdoors, particularly in Surabaya, using quantitative data collection methods. It is concluded that the indoor area is favored by visitors due to factors such as room temperature, cafe service, electrical and internet facilities, acoustic conditions or noise levels, and room aesthetics. In contrast, outdoor visitor comfort is influenced by its function as a smoking area, along with other factors including cafe service, air temperature, seating options, and lighting type and aesthetics, which are the main considerations for cafe visitors. These findings can enhance the understanding of concept cafe owners and managers regarding the determinants of visitor comfort and provide valuable insights into effective design strategies to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.


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Cara Mengutip
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