Effective Dose of Rosella Calyx Extract (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) against Liver Marker Enzymes and Liver Histopathological of High-Fat Feed-Induced Rats


  • Meilinah Hidayat Faculty of Medicine Maranatha Christian University
  • Oeij A Adhika Universitas Kristen Maranatha
  • Fenny Tanuwijaya Universitas Kristen Maranatha
  • Adisurya Nugraha Universitas Kristen Maranatha
  • Ricky B Hutagalung Universitas Kristen Maranatha




Liver disease is a disease caused by various factors that damage the liver, such as viruses, obesity and alcohol consumption. Many studies have been done to find natural remedies for this disease, one of which is Rosella. In this research, the effective dose of ethanol extract of rosella calyx (EERC) was conducted, in high-fat feed (HFF)-induced rats. The aim of this study was to determine the effective dose of EEKR based on parameters:liver histopathological, Alanine Transferase (ALT) and Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) level. The study was conducted on 30 male Wistar rats, which were divided into five treatment groups. As results, histopathological observations showed a significant decrease in cloudy swelling scores at EERC 200 mg/KgBW/d, decreased steatosis scores at doses of 200, 400, 600 mg; whereas ballooning degeneration, lobular inflammation, and fibrosis scores did not decrease. EERC 200, 400, 600 mg/KgBW/d significantly decreased ALT (p ? 0.01); while doses of 400 and 600 mg reduce GGT. Conclusions, effective dose of EEKR for liver disease based on histopathological features of liver, ALT and GGT in HFF- induced Wistar rats is dose of 200 - 400 mg /KgBW/day.   Keywords: effective dose, Rosella, histopathologic, Alanine Transferase, Gamma Glutamyl Transferase


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Author Biography

Meilinah Hidayat, Faculty of Medicine Maranatha Christian University

Meilinah Hidayat Faculty of Medicine Maranatha Christian UniversityNama Lengkap                         :  MEILINAH HIDAYATAsal Institusi                            :  Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Kristen MaranathaBidang Ilmu                             :  Ilmu GiziPendidikan Terakhir                  : S3Jumlah publikasi nasional 3 (tiga) tahun terakhir:Penulis Utama                : 8 (delapan)                   Judul   :- Hidayat M, Soeng S, Prahastuti S. Pengujian Aktivitas Lipase Inhibitor Ekstrak Etanol dan Hasil Fraksionasi dari Kedelai Detam 1 dan Daun Jati Belanda. Jurnal Chimica et Natura Acta. 2014. 2(1): 76-82. - Hidayat M, Soeng S, Prahastuti S, Hermanto PT, Andhika YK. Aktivitas Antioksidan dan Antitrigliserida Ekstrak Tunggal Kedelai, Daun Jati Belanda  serta Kombinasinya. Bionatura – Jurnal Ilmu Hayati dan Fisik. ISSN 1411-0903.  2014.16: 2. p 89-94 - Hidayat M, Soeng S, Prahastuti S, Kwan Marlisa, Yonathan Ari K, Nikita Renadia. Combination Effects of Ethanol Extract Detam 1 Soybean and Jati Belanda Leaves to Body Weight, Cholesterol and Triglyceride in Male Wistar Rats. Journal of The Indonesian Medical Association. Majalah Kedokteran Indonesia IDI. 2014;64(8):372-376. http;//indonesia.digitaljournals.org.index.php/idnmed/issue/archive - Hidayat M, Soeng S, Wahyudianingsih W, Ladi  JE, Krisetya YA, Elviora V. Ekstrak  Kedelai Detam 1, Daun Jati Belanda serta Kombinasinya terhadap Berat Badan dan  Histopatologis Hepar  Tikus Wistar. JKKI.2015; 6(4): 167-78, Januari-April 2015. -Hidayat M, Prahastuti S, Dewi E, Safitri D, Soemardji AA. Uji Toksisitas Subkronis dari Kombinasi Ekstrak Etanol Kedelai Detam 1 dan Jati Belanda terhadap Fungsi, Berat dan Histopatologi Ginjal Tikus Wistar. JMH. Journal of Medicine and Health. 2016;1(4):326-40 - Hidayat M,  Setiawan I. The Effective Dose and Pattern of Soybean Extract Administration to Regulate Body Weight of Laboratory Rats. HSJI. Health Science Journal of Indonesia. 2016;7(1):17-26. DOI : 10.22435/hsji.v7i1.4916.17-26 Meilinah Hidayat, Komang RP.Wardani, Bertha M Purba, Rendhy T Apreza. Blood Calcium Level and Its Correlation with Calcium Daily Intake, Calcium Supplementation & Clinical Symptoms in Women with Premenstrual Syndrome Journal of Medicine and Health. 2017;1(6):583-94. ISSN: 2442-5257 Meilinah Hidayat, Sijani Prahastuti, Ellya Rosa Delima, Liasisca Setiawati, Andreanus Andaja Soemardji.  High Doses Of Soybean, Jati Belanda And Their Combination Extracts Have No Acute Toxic Effects. Health Science Journal of Indonesia.2017; 8(2):124-32. DOI : 10.22435/hsji.v8i2.7381.124-132 b. Penulis Anggota                  : -    Judul                                    :6.      Jumlah publikasi internasional 3 (tiga) tahun terakhir:a. Penulis Utama                     :  5 (lima)     Judul                                   :- Hidayat M, Soeng S, Prahastuti S, Tiono H, Krisetya YA, Sugiono M. Characteristics of Ethanol Extract of Detam 1 Indonesian Soybean, Jati Belanda Leaves and the Effets of their Combinations to Weight Gain  and the Jejunum Histopathological Changes in  Male Wistar Rats. European Journal Of Medicinal Plants. European Journal of Medicinal Plants. EJMP.2015: 7 (2): 87-98.ISSN: 2231-0894 - Hidayat M, Soeng S, Prahastuti S, Erawijantari PP and Widowati W. Inhibitory Potential of Ethanol Extract of Detam 1 Soybean (Glycine max) seed and Jati Belanda (Guazuma ulmifolia) leaves on Adipogenesis and Obesity Models in 3T3-L1 Cell Line. Journal of Scientific Research & Reports. JSRR. 2015:6(4): 304-312. ISSN: 2320-0227 - Hidayat M, Faried A. 2015. Protein Extract Of Detam 1 Soybean Contains Β–Conglycinin Stimulating Cholecystokinin Signal Transduction through Activities of PKC, c-RAF and ERK 1/2 in Wistar rats. Biomedical Engineering. 2015;1 (1): 46-52. journal homepage: be.ub.ac.id. -Hidayat M, Prahastuti S, Dewi E, Safitri D, Soemardji AA. Subchronic Toxicity Test of Combination Ethanol Extract of Detam 1 Soybean (Glycine max L.Merr) and Jati Belanda leaves (Guazuma ulmifolia LamK) toward Function, Weight and Histopathological Wistar Rats Liver. AJPCR. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. 2016;9(6) - Hidayat M, Prahastuti S, Fauziah N, Maesaroh M , Balqis B and Widowati W. Modulation of Adipogenesis-related Gene Expression by Ethanol Extracts of Detam 1 soybean and Jati belanda leaf in 3T3-L1 cells. Bangladesh J Pharmacol. 2016; 11: 697-702 b. Penulis Anggota                  : 1 (satu)    Judul                                    :- Darsono L, Hidayat M, Widowati W. In Vitro Study of Garcinia mangostana (Mangosteen) Peel Extract and Xanthone Compound as Anti-adipogenesis in HepG2 Cell Model. International Journal Of Medical esearch and Health Sciences. IJMRHS-2015-03-064




How to Cite

Hidayat M, Adhika OA, Tanuwijaya F, Nugraha A, Hutagalung RB. Effective Dose of Rosella Calyx Extract (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) against Liver Marker Enzymes and Liver Histopathological of High-Fat Feed-Induced Rats. J. Med. Health [Internet]. 2019Aug.27 [cited 2025Jan.18];2(4). Available from: http://224305.koshikahk.tech/index.php/jmh/article/view/1827




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