of Innovation and Community Engagement2024-11-28T13:13:39+00:00Editorial Team Journal of Innovation and Community Engagement (ICE)[email protected]Open Journal Systems<p><strong>Journal of Innovation and Community Engagement (ICE)</strong> is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal published by Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Kristen Maranatha. We welcome papers from around the world to disseminate innovation focused on community engagement in the society. We currently process quarterannual publishing for February, May, August, and November. Not only academic researchers, but company researchers and individual practitioners alike are encouraged to submit their ideas and findings applicable and constructive to develop public benefit through community service.</p> <p><strong>Published by :</strong></p> <p>Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Kristen Maranatha, Bandung, Indonesia</p> <p>e-ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2776-0421</a> p-ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2775-4847</a> </p> Team[email protected]<p>.</p>2024-11-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Editorial Team Technology to Support Food Self-Sufficiency for the Community in Tarumajaya Village, Bandung Regency2024-04-30T01:00:52+00:00Dudi Darmawan[email protected]Mukhammad Ramdlan Kirom[email protected]Asep Suhendi[email protected]Jihan Fadhil Nabilah[email protected]Reza Widehan[email protected]Fadli Septian Anugrah[email protected]<div><span lang="EN-US">The community of Tarumajaya Village resides in an agrarian area. Vegetable farming is the predominant commodity cultivated in the region, such as carrots, potatoes, cabbage, and onions. The community's income heavily relies on vegetable farming. However, the majority of the population there are only employed as daily laborers. Land ownership is limited to a small fraction of the population who can afford it. Therefore, the community greatly needs additional income to meet their living needs. The issue of land ownership remains unresolved to date. This community engagement activity was aimed to provide a solution for the community to have their own land for independent cultivation. In a previous program conducted through Telkom's CSR scheme, 28 aquaponic installations and one greenhouse equivalent to 14 portable aquaponic units were built in two different neighborhood units. However, the program needs to be continued through sustained mentoring to have an impact on the community. It is expected that after this activity, the community would be able to independently develop this aquaponic system so that food needs can be met and it can become an additional source of income for the communities in these two neighborhood units.</span></div>2024-11-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Dudi Darmawan, Mukhammad Ramdlan Kirom, Asep Suhendi, Jihan Fadhil Nabilah, Reza Widehan, Fadli Septian Anugrah Awareness of Renewable Energy for a Better Life for the Indonesian Migrant Worker Community in Penang Malaysia2024-05-13T15:27:10+00:00Galang Persada Nurani Hakim[email protected]Mudrik Alaydrus[email protected]Umaisaroh Umaisaroh[email protected]<div><span lang="EN-US">A community service team from Universitas Mercu Buana made a project initiative to increase the awareness of renewable energy for the Indonesian migrant worker community in Penang Malaysia. The goal of this project is to raise community awareness of environmental issues in response to providing a better life for Indonesian migrant workers. The primary goal is to establish sustainable behaviors and to encourage community involvement, especially among Indonesian migrant workers abroad. Through the use of a participatory strategy, the involvement included skill-sharing sessions and awareness campaigns. This needed to be done in order to make the community feel responsible for their action and aim for a better environment, hence a better life. The foundation of the approach was built on cooperative partnerships with each stakeholder that encouraged shared accountability. The results showed that the Indonesian migrant worker community's awareness had significantly increased, which resulted in the adoption of eco-friendly behavior. To validate the renewable energy transfer knowledge, the team then applied a questionnaire, especially question no.8 quoted “The community really feels the benefits of the community service program provided”. Using this method the team accumulated 93.75% satisfaction that renewable energy transfer knowledge has increased the knowledge and awareness of renewable energy among the participants of Indonesian Migrant Workers in Penang, Malaysia.</span></div>2024-11-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Galang Persada Nurani Hakim, Mudrik Alaydrus, Umaisaroh Umaisaroh Information System for Managing and Booking Rooms and Facilities in a Retreat House2024-08-11T01:24:47+00:00Veronica S. Moertini[email protected]Vania Natali[email protected]Edo F. Haryanto[email protected]Dearen Hippy[email protected]<div><span lang="EN-US">One well-known retreat place in West Java is the Pratista Retreat House, which is located in Cisarua, West of Bandung. It is managed by monks from the Order of Sanctae Crucis. This retreat house complex is quite large and has more than 60 rooms which can accommodate more than 200 retreat participants. Retreat participants generally rent rooms in groups. This house also provides several facilities that can be rented. Based on the survey results, reservations for retreat houses and facilities are conducted via telephone or other communication media. This creates problems both for the public (it is difficult to find a free time slot) and the manager (it is difficult to get reports of room availability timely). A community service activity by a team from Parahyangan Catholic University was working to develop an information system consisting of two website modules, each used by the managers and the public. The core features of the website for managers are for managing assets, orders, and viewing various reports. Meanwhile, the features for the public include viewing room and facility information, placing orders, and managing orders. The system has been developed, launched, and utilized by the Pratista management and is available to the public. The website for the public is available at </span></div> <div><a href=""><span lang="EN-US"></span></a>.</div>2024-11-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Veronica S. Moertini, Vania Natali, Edo F. Haryanto, Dearen Hippy of Tax Implementation for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in the Digitalization Era2024-09-24T02:11:27+00:00Susanna Hartanto[email protected]<div><span lang="EN-US">Training in tax implementation aims to improve knowledge and understanding of taxation for small and medium enterprises in the current digital era. This activity was motivated by the condition where many small and medium enterprises in the East Java I Regional Office of the Directorate General of Taxes still did not understand and did not apply the latest tax regulations correctly and completely according to Regulation of the Minister of Finance Regulation No. 164 of 2023 concerning the procedure for imposing income tax on income from businesses received or obtained by taxpayers who have a certain gross income and obligation to report businesses to be confirmed as taxable entrepreneurs. Training activity was carried out using an online method and training materials were given to participants in the form of digital presentation files and spreadsheet files. Methods used in implementing this activity consist of preparation, implementation, and evaluation. Pre-tests and post-tests were carried out to determine the increase in knowledge and understanding of webinar participants. Overall, taxpayers who are from the small and medium enterprises feel helped in gaining knowledge and understanding the latest tax regulations and can apply the latest regulations in filling out the annual tax return form so that they can report the annual tax return correctly and completely.</span></div>2024-11-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Susanna Hartanto of Electrical Technology Using Website as a Digital Communication Science Media Based on Information and Communication Technology at Amari Teaching and Learning Centre2024-10-19T00:31:58+00:00Setiyo Budiyanto[email protected]Irmulansati Tomohardjo[email protected]Fauzi Nur Iman[email protected]Lukman Medriavin Silalahi[email protected]<div><span lang="EN-US">Amari Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC), the community partnership empowerment program partner is located in South Meruya, West of Jakarta, which is active in the field of education in the form of A-package (elementary school education level) to C-package (high school education level). The number of teachers and educators is 8 persons and the current students have reached 101 male students and 43 female students. The problem experienced by the partners was that they did not have a website as a promotional medium. Thus, by integrating expertise and experience in organizational management and information and communication technology, targets were set, namely for: a) website development, b) training of teaching staff and administration staff, c) integration of technology in learning activities, d) strengthening website management capacity, e) strengthening partnerships and networks, and f) continuous monitoring and evaluation. The output is an increase in the understanding and skills of Amari TLC managers.</span></div>2024-11-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Setiyo Budiyanto, Irmulansati Tomohardjo, Fauzi Nur Iman, Lukman Medriavin Silalahi of Reviewers2024-11-21T09:27:26+00:00Editorial Team[email protected]<p>.</p>2024-11-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Editorial Team